ArchFX uses the same algorithm for calculating OEE in the React Overhead Display and in ArchFX GLO. OEE is calculated by the following procedure.
In-progress shift or completed shift?
- For a shift that is currently in progress (e.g. within the React Overhead Display), values are calculated for the shift "so far."
- Once a shift is finished, values are calculated for the entire shift, and you can ignore "so far" statements that appear below.
Planned Production Time
Planned Production Time for the current shift is defined as the duration of the current shift (so far) minus the total duration of any planned downtimes reported by operators for the current shift. This value is not shown in the UI but is used internally in calculating OEE. So:
Planned Production Time = (duration of shift) - (duration of planned downtimes reported)
Run Time
Run Time is the sum of the durations of:
- production cycles that were at or ahead of target takt time
- slow cycles (that were slower than the target takt time, but not slow enough to reach the Downtime Threshold)
- “minor downtimes” (shorter than the Minor Downtime Threshold) that are treated as speed loss (reducing Performance) rather than as downtime (reducing Availability).
Run time does not include idle time.
Availability is Run Time divided by Planned Production Time, expressed as a percentage. So:
Availability % = (Run Time * 100) / (Planned Production Time)
Performance Losses
Performance Losses are calculated for each job as follows:
- “expected time” = throughput * target takt time
- "actual time" = end time - start time
- "total regular downtime duration" = the total duration of all regular downtimes during the job (excluding slow cycles and minor downtimes)
- Performance Losses = "actual time" - "expected time" - "total regular downtime duration"
Net Run Time
Net Run Time = Run Time - Performance Losses
Performance is "Net Run Time" divided by Run Time (summed across all jobs during the shift), expressed as a percentage. So:
Performance % = (Net Run Time * 100) / (Run Time)
The Quality panels on the React Overhead Display show data sourced from the chosen quality machine on the line, which is typically the last AOI on the line that has a software connector installed, but can also be a different quality machine if desired.
- "Failed" shows the number of "fail" events that were recorded.
- "Passed" shows the number of "pass" events that were recorded.
- The Quality panel shows the the number of passes divided by the total number of quality scans, expressed as a percentage.
Quality % = (passes * 100) / (total scans)
The OEE panel shows the product of Availability * Performance * Quality for the current shift overall. So:
OEE % = A * P * Q
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