On the "Attention Drilldown (to track)" dashboard, sometimes the "Absolute Mispick Count by Head" panel will show more total mispicks on a machine than are listed for the same machine on the "Absolute Mispick Counts by Track/Component" panel.
Root cause analysis
- The ArchFX Broker receives mispicks from ASM machines in messages that say what machine, feeder (serial number), head and segment they came from and a “numerical track identifier” that identifies the table, track, component and shape of the part.
- ASM sends the mapping of track identifier to track/component/shape whenever the recipe changes.
- The ArchFX Broker assigns track level information to mispicks by matching each panel to its most recent recipe change message and then looking up the corresponding track information.
- Sometimes, the ArchFX Broker does not receive the expected recipe change details from ASM OIB, so it doesn't have the track information. We currently work around a number of issues in various versions of ASM’s OIB system to label as many mispicks with tracks as possible, but we do not have workarounds for some scenarios. In that situation, the ArchFX Broker leaves the track blank in the messages it generates, so the mispick will be reported in the "per-head" panel but not the "per-track" panel.
Impact of known issue
- For ASM machines or systems that don’t send the expected recipe change details, we are unable to fill in track information on mispicks. This is why not all mispicks from ASM machines are labeled with tracks.
- We can always fill machine, head, feeder and segment since those details are directly included in the mispick message and don’t require correlation with previous messages.
Ongoing investigations
- Arch Systems is evaluating whether there are alternative work arounds that can fill in track information even when the ArchFX Broker doesn’t get all of the details we expect from an ASM machine, but we don’t yet know whether that’s possible.
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