Summary: The React Downtime Inspector dashboard enables you to see summary statistics on downtimes aggregated at the area or line level or even at the level of the individual machine if desired. You can also choose whether to see downtimes for specific shift(s) or all shifts.
You use these filters to select which machines you want to view:
- Site: Select the site you want to view.
- Area: Select the area(s) you want to view (or "All" for all areas).
- Line: Select the line(s) you want to view (or "All" for all lines).
- Machine: Select the machine(s) you want to view (or "All" for all machines).
- Shift: Select the shift(s) you want to view (or "All" to aggregate across all shifts).
- Language: Choose the language you want to view the Downtime Categories and Reasons in.
Remember to use the date picker in the top-right corner to choose the time period you want to view.
Using this dashboard with lines or with areas of simple machines
This single dashboard can be used with lines of machines (as in the electronics assembly or back-end assembly use cases) or with areas of standalone machines (e.g. with areas of injection molding machines). The active panels and the meaning of some of the panels will change depending on the use case.
Generally, if a panel has "by Line/Machine" in its title, that panel will show per-line information in assembly line use cases and per-machine information in areas of standalone machines use cases.
The "Line Downtime Summary" panels will only be populated in assembly line use cases, and the "Machine Downtime Summary" panels will only be populated in the areas of standalone machine use cases.
Area Summary panels
"Status Summary by Line/Machine" bar chart and "Summary Statistics by Line/Machine" table
The Status Summary by Line/Machine bar chart shows performance summary information per line or machine.
The Summary Statistics by Line/Machine table shows in table form all of the same information as the above bar chart, plus additional information on Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) and Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR).
- Label: name of the line or machine.
- Total Shift Duration: total duration in HH:MM:SS of the shift(s) during the selected time period.
- Running: total running time in HH:MM:SS over the shift(s) during the selected time period.
- Idle: total idle time in HH:MM:SS over the shift(s) during the selected time period.
- Categorized Downtime: total downtime in HH:MM:SS that was categorized by operators manually or by ArchFX React automatically (e.g. "minor downtimes") during the selected time period.
- Uncategorized Downtime: total downtime in HH:MM:SS that was not categorized during the selected time period.
- Total Downtime: total downtime in HH:MM:SS during the selected time period.
- MTBF: Mean Time Between Failures in HH:MM:SS during the selected time period.
- MTTR: Mean Time To Recover in HH:MM:SS during the selected time period.
"Area Performance Summary" pie chart and "Area Summary Statistics" table
The Area Performance Summary pie chart shows performance summary information for the selected area as a whole.
The Area Summary Statistics table shows in table form all of the same information as the above pie chart, plus additional information on MTBF and MTTR.
- Area: name of the selected Area.
- Total Shift Duration: total duration in HH:MM:SS of the shift(s) summed across all lines/machines in the area during the selected time period.
- Running: total running time in HH:MM:SS over the shift(s) summed across all lines/machines in the area during the selected time period.
- Idle: total idle time in HH:MM:SS over the shift(s) summed across all lines/machines in the area during the selected time period.
- Categorized Downtime: total downtime in HH:MM:SS that was categorized by operators manually or by ArchFX React automatically (e.g. "minor downtimes") summed across all lines/machines in the area during the selected time period.
- Uncategorized Downtime: total downtime in HH:MM:SS summed across all lines/machines in the area that was not categorized during the selected time period.
- Total Downtime: total downtime in HH:MM:SS summed across all lines/machines in the area during the selected time period.
- MTBF: Mean Time Between Failures (downtime events) in HH:MM:SS averaged across all lines/machines in the area during the selected time period.
- MTTR: Mean Time To Recover (after a downtime event begins) in HH:MM:SS averaged across all lines/machines in the area during the selected time period.
Summary Statistics by Line/Machine
The Summary Statistics by Line/Machine panel shows the same data as the Area Summary Statistics panel described above, but breaks the data out on a per-Line (for SMT and Back-End Assembly) or per-Machine (for Standalone Machines) basis.
Downtimes Duration Distribution by Decile
This panel breaks the observed downtimes into deciles (bottom 10%, next 10%, etc. from left to right) based on their duration. For each decile, it shows what percentage of the downtimes in that decile were categorized (green) or left uncategorized (red). This panel is helpful for determining how good a job the operators are doing of categorizing the downtimes. Manufacturers usually care more about how well the longer downtimes are being categorized than the shorter downtimes. If you have turned on the automatic labeling of "Minor" downtimes shorter than a specified duration, all of those downtimes will be shown in green (since they have been automatically categorized) on the left side of the panel as shown above.
Global MTBF / MTTR Evolution
The Global MTBF / MTTR Evolution panel shows how Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) and Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR) for the selected lines or machines changes over time.
- MTBF is the average time between downtime events.
- MTTR is the average duration of downtime events.
In performance optimization, the goal is to increase MTBF and to decrease MTTR.
Line Downtime Summary Panels
Next on the screen are the Line Downtime Summary Panels (active in "line" use cases") .
Top Downtimes by Category and Reason (by Duration)
- The "Top Downtime Category Offenders" table sorts categories of downtimes by total duration per category.
- The "Top Downtime Reason Offenders" table sorts reasons for downtimes by total duration per reason.
- The adjacent pie charts represent the same information graphically.
Downtimes Duration Distribution per Decile panel
The Downtimes Duration Distribution per Decile panel is like the one described above, but this one shows information for the individual Line instead of across all selected Lines/Machines.
Line MTBF / MTTR Evolution
Line MTBF / MTTR Evolution panel shows how Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) and Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR) for the Line.
Line Downtime Summary - None panel
Ignore this panel. It contains no meaningful data and is a side effect in Grafana of the presence of the "None" option in the "Line" filter at the top of the page. Grafana is a powerful business intelligence platform but it has some limitations on the ability to finely control the user experience.
Machine Downtime Summary Panels
After the Line Downtime Summary Panels come the Machine Downtime Summary Panels (active in "standalone machine" use cases). They show the same data as the per-Line panels but on a per-Machine basis in standalone machine use cases.
Machine Downtime Summary - None panel
Ignore this panel, just like the "Line Downtime Summary - None" panel above it.
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