Getting Access to Action Manager
Email or contact your company's Arch representative with information on the site you require access to.
Setting up Alerts
"Scope" refers to the site, area, line for which a particular alert is set up for.
Group Creation
"Group" refers to a set of one or more members that are assigned an action. Enter into Groups and follow the steps to define a new group:
- Add new group with the "+Add" button
- Give a group name
- Choose site that is associated with group
- Add members to the group from dropdown. Note that only members from the selected site or global admins are available in dropdown.
Populating Playbooks
- Press the "+ Add" button on top of the page to add a new playbook.
- Add a title name.
- Add description details.
- Enter content details activity for the playbook.
- Categorize the playbook to a specific collection type.
- Enter into the new playbook from the list.
- Click on the edit button on top of the page.
- Now you can edit in more detail the playbook visibility and steps.
- Add pictures and diagrams attachments.
- Click the save button.
Profile Creation
Create a new profile:
- Select from predefined module sets within this page.
- Once you enter into the Module page, you will see a list of defined profiles. You can search and choose an existing one by module or by location.
- In this step, you can set a new profile by clicking the "+ Add new" button.
- Follow and fill in the relevant fields within the pop-up screen.
- Select the relevant module.
- Set a description for the profile.
- Select from the drop-down list the relevant scope (line → area → site)
- Enter into the specific new profile defined to categorize it in more details
- Enter threshold details specification.
- You can use the information details within each field provided.
- Define process time window:
- Check every (day/hour/minute) you want to search.
- Set the window time frame for the alert to be checked (day/hour/minute).
- Press the save button.
- Select the relevant playbook.
- Click on the routing tab on top of the page
- Define escalation routing definition (groups and type of escalations).
- Go back to the AM landing page
Responding to actions
Once alerts have been set up,
- Enter into "My Action" to see the list of actions assigned to you and your group.
- Enter into the specific alert assigned to you (or by email link or directly from the list in My Action).
- Choose from the button list whether to:
- Resolve - if you solve the problem.
- Ignore - to ignore the alert
- Reassign - to another member of the group
- For the recommended tasks for the Playbook, you can click thumbs up and thumbs down.
Manual Action Creation
You can manually create an action and assign it to a group via the "Add new" button in "Actions" Page. Profile and Action will appear empty for manual actions.
Activity Feed
Contains information on number of alerts and status over time.
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