Customers who are using ArchFX Certified OEE Reporting can use the Certified OEE Input Form to input, validate, and submit Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) data for each line at their site. The specific features and options you see on this form may vary based on your company's configuration of Certified OEE. If you aren't using Certified OEE and wish to, email and request access.
Supported performance calculation methodology
Currently, the Certified OEE Input Form is supported for use with the CPH (Components Per Hour)-based performance calculation methodology. During 2023 it will be enhanced to support use by customers using the cycle time-based performance calculation methodology.
Line Configuration
- "Line Type" is this line's type (in this example, "Production"), which is one on a list of possibilities defined in your customer's configuration. The derating value (see below) used to convert the theoretical target to the actual production target is shown in parentheses after the line type value. In this example, the derating value is 0.75.
- "PnP Types" lists the type(s) of Pick & Place machines installed on this line.
- "Line Target Performance" is the total target placements per hour for the line as a whole after the deratings have been applied to each machine's individual hourly target and they are summed. In this example, it is 243,750 CPH (Components Per Hour). Actual total target placements for the week aren’t known until production time has been specified by entering “Not scheduled hours” and “Planned downtime hours” below.
Machine Configuration
The Machine Configuration lets you see the machines installed on the line according to the ArchFX Factory Map's current line configuration. For each machine, you see model, type, and serial number. For Pick & Place Machines, it also shows the currently-installed placement head(s) under "Head Configuration."
Head Theoretical Target, Target Derating Factor, and Target Performance
- "Head Theoretical Target" is the maximum performance your company expects from this installed (set of) placement heads. The data source may be your company's own internal testing, vendor benchmarks, or the results of testing by standards bodies.
- "Head Theoretical Target" is multiplied by "Target Derating Factor" to produce "Target Performance."
Last Seen
This column shows how long ago ArchFX received data from each of the machines listed on the line. If ArchFX has not received data from a machine in a long time, you may want to confirm that the Factory Map has an up-to-date list of the machines on the line.
Updating incorrect configurations
If any of the information shown under "Machine Configurations" is incorrect, you should click the button labeled "If this configuration is wrong, click here to file change requests" and file the appropriate Change Request to have the incorrect information updated.
Certified Properties
This section, if present, shows customer-specific "Certified Properties" that you can edit and update. In this example, there is a "Segment" property that's current set to the value "HS."
Customer Field
If present, this is a free text field into which you can enter the name of a customer that is the primary customer associated with this line.
Line Configuration checked/approved
If the Line Configuration is fully up to date, click the Approved radio button. If it is incorrect, click the Rejected radio button so that the recipients of the OEE data know that the Line Configuration is currently incorrect. This value can’t be changed once you have clicked the “Submit and Lock” button.
Downtime, Quality, and Performance section
The header at the top of this section indicates the time period for which data should be entered, showing the starting date and time and ending date and time in the site's local time zone:
Time zone handling in Certified OEE
Each site enters data for the 7-day (168 hour) period that begins with that site's "start of day" in local time on the first day of the company's one-week schedule. For example, let's say that a company works on a weekly Sunday-to-Saturday global weekly calendar.
- The site in Penang, Malaysia has a single shift on Sunday starting at 9:00 a.m. local time. The Penang site staff would enter the data for Sunday 9:00:00 a.m. local time up until the following Sunday 9:00:00 a.m. local time.
- The site in Juarez, Mexico does not work on Sunday but marks its "start of day" at 5:00 a.m. local time each day. Juarez site staff would report data for Sunday 5:00:00 a.m. local time up until the following Sunday 5:00:00 a.m. local time.
- To produce the data for the seven-day "Certified OEE week," notionally, ArchFX first aggregates the reporting from all the sites (in their local time zones) into a "Certified OEE day" that follows the work day across the globe as the sun moves. Then the seven "Certified OEE days" are aggregated into the global "Certified OEE week."
Planned Losses
- Total available hours is always 168, the total number of hours in the week. It is not editable, so it is grayed out.
- "Not scheduled hours" is the number of hours during the week that the line was scheduled to be not operating according to the schedule. This typically is the hours outside scheduled shifts, e.g. unscheduled night period and unscheduled weekend days, as well as any holidays.
- "Planned downtime hours" is the number of hours of planned downtime during scheduled shifts. This typically includes planned maintenance, lunch, scheduled breaks for operators, etc.
Unplanned Losses (Enter in Hours)
In this section, you enter a value in hours for each category of unplanned losses that your company chooses to track. The specific categories you see in this section will vary depending on your company's configuration. These are referred to as "downtime buckets" because each bucket gathers certain types of downtime.
These values are calculated automatically, cannot be edited, and are grayed out.
- Total Recorded Production Downtime = Non Scheduled Hours + Planned Downtime Hours + Sum of Unplanned Losses, i.e. the sum of all of the categories of production downtime entered above.
- Total Recorded Production Hours = Total Available Hours - Total Recorded Production Downtime, is the total number of hours during which production took place.
- "Arch Recorded Idle Hours" (if shown) is the total amount of time during the week that the line was powered on, connected to the network, and reported no activity for a full 15-minute interval of time, with 15-minute intervals measured from the first shift of each day. Total Recorded Production Downtime should be at least as much as Arch Recorded Idle Hours.
Achieved Line Quality
This is the average quality achieved during the week according to the quality machine that has been chosen to measure this line's achieved quality. (Typically, that is the last Automatic Optical Inspection [AOI] on the line if it is a supported model of AOI, but other quality machines can also be used when performed.) The quality value is currently calculated as passes / raw total scans.
- If a software connector has been installed into a supported quality machine on this line, the value will be filled in automatically.
- Otherwise, you must enter the value manually.
Machine Performance
For customers using the CPH-based KPI Set:
- "Total Placements" shows total component placements by this line during the week.
- "Target Placements" shows the target placements for the entire week after the derating factor shown under Line Configuration has been applied to each machine on the line.
"Submit and Lock" and "Save" buttons
So long as you are still editing the document and planning to make changes, click "Save" to save your changes without locking the form against further edits.
Once you have finished editing and want to lock the form against further changes, click "Submit and Lock." The form will be locked and no further edits will be possible. (If you do this by mistake, email and request that the form be unlocked; be sure to specify your company name, site name, and line name.)
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